The poison of browser hijackers: disruptive features you cannot miss

There are so many browser hijackers circulating that it would be impossible to estimate the exact number. However, the impact left by these rogue search platforms is undeniable: whether it is a demonstration of sponsored and quite irrelevant results to search queries, or an automatic infiltration of additional malware samples.

In both cases, hijackware samples are not to be explored freely and if detected, must be eliminated either manually or with anti-malware tools. Today, we have chosen two specific browser hijackers: PCH Search engine and While being rather different examples to discuss, we hope that these infections will help surfers paint a more comprehensible picture. However, this post won’t reveal thorough analysis of these search engines. Follow the links before to read full investigations in English.

Browser hijackers

PCH Search engine: what’s wrong with it?

First of all, knowing that browser hijackers can be a multicultural bother, we present PCH search engine in Spanish and French languages. One of the reasons that utilizing this specific search platform is not a highly recommended decision is that it exploits InfoSpace. Also, its habits of infiltration are unexpected: we have read reports, suggesting that browsers’ preferences were set to virus without appropriate authorization.

If this is not enough for you, we should emphasize the controllers of PCH search engine: the Publisher Clearing House. Despite being a legitimate company, active since 1953, the security issues that it exposes clients remains unfixed. For instance, the service, advertised in continues to receive negative feedback for involving members of the sweepstake in spam campaigns. Also, the search platform has been blamed to direct people to many vicious, misleading domains. Despite being labeled as browser hijacker, the website belongs to a legitimate company. Sadly, this does not always indicate high level of trustworthiness. search engine: why should it be avoided? virus is a different example of a browser hijacker. First of all, it does not belong to a legitimate company. In fact, it is unclear which developing organization came up with this search platform. It is related with a number of other suspicious malware samples that could all be working for the sake of profiting from clueless online surfers. Also, before loading URLs that are found in lists of results to search queries, malware will quickly make some alterations to the websites and use for this purpose.

If you find any of these search platforms assigned as your preferences, we do insist you remove them this instant!

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